Safe Technology Minnesota,
  a sponsored project of MNHC
The project Safe Technology Minnesota is a part of MNHC's educational work

Electromagnetic radiation from cell towers, cell phones, cordless phones, WI-Fi and the small cell antennas of 5G are posing a great threat to the health of our people and to the future of our country. Scientist Martin Pall, PhD, says that he fears that the 5G build-out, if it continues unchecked, could become "an extinction event." The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should be setting health standards that protect health but it has failed to set standards for any of these microwave-emitting devices. The FCC has set a weak and unprotective "guideline" for RF radiation intensity. Sad to say, the the Federal Communication Commission, the FCC, has been "captured" by the industry that it is supposed to be regulating.

Our newspapers, television stations and other media, have been part of the problem, hyping the very technologies that, too often, inflict some harm.  The media is hyping the new devices and the latest i-phone "apps," and so are not about to warn us about the hazards of the radiation emitted from the devices we are holding in our hands or even against our heads.

But, as the science reveals, all of the wireless radiation devices pose a health hazards to those who are nearby and our society should make a rapid retreat from the widespread use of such wireless devices and should shift over to safe technologies, namely land line phones, wired internet connections, with fiber optics being the fastest, most reliable, safest and most energy efficient way to deliver an internet connection to the customers (customers must be sure to turn off the Wi-Fi for use of the internet connection inside their own offices and dwellings).

Wi-Fi in the schools unfortunately inflicts some harm on school children's health and on the teachers too. Sadly, most parents are oblivious to the special danger posed by cell phone use and by Wi-Fi to their very vulnerable children and infants; the skull bones are thinner and provide less protection from the radiation so it will penetrate more deeply into the brain. A child's nervous system is still developing and so their brains are even more vulnerable to the damage caused to exposures such as the Wi-Fi that is used in their schools.
With the arrival of "smart meters" that pulse the electric, gas or water utility meter readings through the air (eliminating the meter reader's job) the situation becomes even more distressing for some. Many people are refusing the installation of smart meters and are asking for ones that are already installed to be removed; but the utility companies typically refuse to oblige the homeowner, citing the laws and regulations that allow them to do whatever best serves their bottom line.

Effects on individuals vary  But, over time, the result often is the dramatic destruction of health; having a smart meter installed on your home is like being put on the fast track to Parkinson's disease, dementia, cancer, auto immune disorders and other personal health disasters. Instead of them taking ten or twenty years for these diseases to develop as a result of cell phone and/or Wi-Fi use, now it may take only six months. And the deterioration in health is often reported to have set in noticeably soon after the smart meter has been installed...with ringing in the ears and a painful sensation in the head.

Only by working hard on education and by spreading resistance to such technologies as Wi-Fi, smart meters, smart phones, and the small cell antennas of the 5G infrastructure, will we have a chance to prevail against this growing threat to our health and wellness. To discuss concerns in your area, call 651-644-4572 or e-mail dams@usfamily for more information or help.